Roaming Access is pleased to offer roaming internet access to cover more than 1,000 cities nationwide. This access is available for your use whenever you need it.


$2.00 per hour for the first hour.

$1.00 for each additional hour.


To roam outside of your normal service area you will need to download our roaming software. For ease of installation, you may want to print these instructions before beginning.

  1. Click on the link at the bottom of the page that says "Download Roaming Dialer".
  2. Save the file to your desktop.

Once the file has completed downloading, please follow these instructions:

  1. Double-click on the icon on your desktop.
  2. The installer will ask you if you want to install Roaming Made Simple. Answer "yes".
  3. Read the license agreement and click "yes" when you are ready to continue.
  4. Click "OK" on any other prompts that you receive.
  5. Double-click on the Roaming Made Simple icon on your desktop.
  6. To select a phone number, click on Settings and then on Phonebook and select a number from the list.
  7. If you have any problems, you can consult the help file for troubleshooting information, or you can contact technical support at 1-800-352-8156.

Download Roaming Dialer